2026: Oyetola, Osun APC will lose again - Osun Spring

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2026: Oyetola, Osun APC will lose again

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By Great Oluwaseun

In a quiet village, a farmer boasted each year about the bountiful harvest he was destined to reap. Yet, every season, his fields yielded less than expected, and he blamed everything but his own farming methods. The neighbouring farmer, who was more attentive to the changing seasons and soil conditions, quietly expanded his yields, adapting his techniques year after year. By the time the boastful farmer realized his methods were outdated, it was too late; his fields were barren, and the neighbouring farmer’s lands flourished.

This parable reflects the political climate in Osun State as the 2026 gubernatorial election approaches. The All Progressives Congress (APC) and its ‘soon-to-be’ candidate, Adegboyega Oyetola, are facing another formidable defeat from the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), led by Asiwaju Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke. Just as the boastful farmer failed to adapt and lost his harvest, the APC’s resistance to change and failure to address the electorate’s needs are setting the stage for their anticipated defeat.

Governor Adeleke’s political journey has been nothing short of remarkable. He has consistently demonstrated an uncanny ability to connect with the electorate and secure their unwavering support. His public service journey began with a resounding victory in the Osun West Senatorial bye-election. This victory was not just a win for Adeleke but a clear message from the people of Osun: they desired a change, a fresh leadership that resonated with their aspirations.

The 2018 gubernatorial election further cemented Adeleke’s reputation as a man of the people. Despite widespread allegations of electoral manipulation and an “inconclusive” declaration, which was a tactic to enable the APC to rig the election, Adeleke’s popularity remained undiminished. The controversial outcome of the 2018 election, which eventually favoured Gboyega Oyetola and the APC, did little to shake the faith of Adeleke’s supporters. Instead, it galvanized them, creating a fervent desire to right what they perceived as a grievous wrong.

The anticipated defeat of the APC in 2026 is not merely a prediction based on current political dynamics but a reflection of the enduring connection between Adeleke and the people of Osun. In a recent report, a large percentage of Osun people are very impressed with the performance of this current administration under the leadership of Governor Ademola Adeleke.

The recent reports indicate that the people of Osun State are firmly supporting Governor Ademola Adeleke and his administration. This widespread backing is a testament to the tangible progress and positive changes that have been implemented since he assumed office. Governor Adeleke’s administration has made significant strides in enhancing the state’s infrastructure, which is evident in the improved road networks, renovation of public buildings, and the construction of new facilities. These efforts have not only facilitated better connectivity and convenience for residents but have also attracted investment and tourism to the state.

Healthcare has also seen substantial improvements under Governor Adeleke’s leadership. His administration has prioritized the refurbishment and equipping of hospitals and primary healthcare centres across Osun State. These enhancements have led to better healthcare delivery and accessibility for the populace, significantly improving the overall health outcomes in the region. The government’s commitment to healthcare is further underscored by the introduction of various health initiatives and programs aimed at addressing specific health challenges faced by the communities.

In addition to infrastructure and healthcare, Governor Adeleke’s administration has placed a strong emphasis on workers’ welfare. By ensuring prompt payment of salaries, pensions, and other entitlements, the government has fostered a motivated and productive workforce. This focus on workers’ welfare has not only improved the standard of living for state employees but has also contributed to greater efficiency and effectiveness in public service delivery. The administration’s policies in this regard have been met with widespread approval and have solidified the support of the civil servants and their families.

One of the most transformative policies of Governor Adeleke’s administration is the strategic shift from a predominantly civil service-driven economy to one that is driven by industrialization. This policy aims to diversify the state’s economic base, create jobs, and stimulate sustainable economic growth. By encouraging the establishment of industries and providing incentives for investors, the administration is laying the groundwork for a robust industrial sector. This shift is poised to reduce the state’s dependency on federal allocations and foster economic independence. The Osun people have recognized and embraced this vision, as it promises long-term prosperity and development for the state.

These accomplishments have not gone unnoticed, and they form a stark contrast to the APC’s previous term, which many viewed as lacklustre and disconnected from the needs of the people.

As the 2026 elections approach, it is evident that the APC faces an uphill battle. Their past strategies, which relied heavily on political manoeuvring and less on genuine engagement with the electorate, seem ill-suited to counter the wave of support for Adeleke and the PDP. The Osun people have shown a clear preference for leaders who are not only accessible but also committed to making a positive impact on their lives.

The 2026 elections in Osun State will reaffirm the people’s choice for progressive leadership. Governor Adeleke’s continued popularity and the electorate’s desire for genuine representation make it clear that the APC, under the leadership of Oyetola, is set to face yet another electoral defeat.

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