Governor Adeleke and Osun Workers - Osun Spring

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Governor Adeleke and Osun Workers

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The number one item on the agenda of Senator Ademola Adeleke before his election as the Governor of Osun State is Workers welfare, which poses a question in the mind of every concerned individual that, what will Ademola Adeleke do differently for the workers in the state.

There were several challenges that workers in Osun had gone through for almost a decade under the administration of the All Progressives Congress.

Some of the issues include, backlog of half salaries, non implementation of promotion, non appointment of Permanent Secretaries, among many others

Almost two years down the line, Governor Adeleke has taken steps in ensuring that workers in Osun state live a better life and enjoy the reward of their stewardship.

Speaking at the 2024 May Day Celebration at Osogbo Township Stadium, The Chairman of the Osun State Council, Nigerian Labour Congress, Comrade Abimbola Arapasopo in his address commended the State Governor for his landmark achievements in support of workers, confirming that “Osun Workers have never have it so good”.

Arapasopo also made a bold statement, “We are Oliver Twist asking for more”, this in an indication that Osun workers are asking for more and if there wasn’t anything, there’ll be nothing to ask of or for.

Osun Spring reports that addressing workers at the same celebration Governor Adeleke said his government has paid over Two Billion Naira in palliative wage award to public servants and pensioners, telling the workers.

He listed his achievement in the labour sector to include the following:

• Cash backing of promotion of staff since 2022 and implementation of gradual defrayment of unpaid deductions from workers’ salaries by the previous administrations

• Introduction of gradual systematic payment of half salaries owed workers and retirees by past administrations.

• Payment of Two Billion Naira for palliative wage awards from December 2023 till date, which include Fifteen Thousand  Naira for public servants and Ten Thousand Naira for pensioners.

• Implementation and cash backing of the 2023 promotion for all categories of civil servants at all levels. At the State level alone excluding tertiary institutions, local governments and primary schools, over 2000 civil servants have been promoted with cash backing

• Appointment of several Permanent Secretaries thereby eradicating, obnoxious policy of the past administrations of the use of Coordinating Directors to serve as Accounting Officers of MDAs.

• Enrollment of numerous retirees on the OHIS scheme to ensure they have access to quality health care

• Continuous to payment of full salaries to workers and retirees at all levels without fail despite the tight financial situation.

• Continuous release of bond certificates to retirees under the pension scheme which to date has run into billions of naira at both state and local government levels.

• Ongoing recruitment of new teachers at both primary and secondary levels.

Osun Spring commends Governor Adeleke for keeping to his campaign promise as regards workers welfare while charging him not to relent in his efforts.

In the same vein, Osun Spring wants to charge workers in the state not to let the government down and keep to the oath of their jobs, “To whom much is given, much more is expected”.

While recognizing that it is the duty of government to continually pay the wages of workers since its their entitlement, Osun Spring notes that some past administration in the state despite promising to make lives better for the people of the state failed to keep the promise.

Osun Spring commends also the decision of the government of Governor Adeleke to recruit 5000 Teachers and 250 Education Officers in to the workforce of the state, we acknowledge that this process will not only reduce unemployment but also improve the quality of education in the state.

Osun Spring therefore call on the Osun state government to ensure that the process is merit based, seeing the education is the bedrock of any functional society and to achieve quality education, the best hands must be employed to teach basic education.

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