Governor Adeleke Mourns Passage of Renowned Journalist, Taiwo Kekereekun - Osun Spring

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Governor Adeleke Mourns Passage of Renowned Journalist, Taiwo Kekereekun

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The Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke has mourned the passing of a renowned journalist, Miss Taiwo Kekereekun, describing her loss as devastating and painful.

The Governor in a statement by his Spokesperson, Mallam Olawale Rasheed acknowledged Miss Kekeerekun’s contributions to enriching the field of journalism, particularly, the broadcast segment, where she enlightened audiences and imparted truthful information.

He commiserated with the Management of the Fresh FM Osogbo, the Nigeria Association of Women Journalists, and the immediate family of Miss Kekeerekun, on her demise, saying that Miss Kekeerekun was one of the brightest voices on radios in the state.

While noting her dedication to the tenet of journalism while she was alive, Governor Adeleke said the exit of Miss Kekeerekun will be hugely felt by her large audience who have come to value her insightful and information views on topical issues.

“My condolences to the Management of Fresh FM, Osogbo, the NAWOJ in Osun on the loss of one of their own, Miss Taiwo Kekereekun. Miss Kekeerekun was a highly principled and committed journalist who prioritised truth and balanced position in her presentations.

“Her demise is a huge loss and I join in mourning her. As much as we grieve her passage, may I enjoin her immediate family and loved ones to take solace in the fact that although her time here was short, but they were made so much impacts that the society will feel the vacuum of her demise.

“May God Almighty be pleased with her soul and grant her eternal rest, and it is my fervent hope that everyone touched by Miss Kekeerekun’s demise find comfort in the fact of a life of many impact that she lived”, the Governor’s condolences message reads in part.

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