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Opinion: Osun APC And The Gabby -Garrulous Verbose Of A Sooko

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By Oladele Bamiji

In the last couple of weeks, the Osun State chapter of the All Progressive Congress, intermittently angering in their incredulous gaze at the weight of catastrophe, which ruptured on them through the July 16 2022 verdict of the indomitable people of Osun State, has engaged in collapsable epistles exposing the party’s political sodomy.

Recently, the band-aid chairman of the beheaded APC, one Sooko Taju Lawal, has attempted to clap with one hand, laboring endlessly to denigrate and insult the people’s Governor, Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen, albeit with overdose of unintelligibility.

Yes, it is pardonable to be arrogant but being arrogant in crass error of criminality is unintelligent and destructible for a fizzling opposition like the Osun APC.

Or how do one decipher that the caricature of a chairman condemning Governor Adeleke for completing projects heartlessly abandoned by the deposed Oyetola administration with the former getting accolades for it from different quarters including the former president and elder statesman, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. Just how?

The chairman was recently quoted soliloquizing that, the Osogbo-Ikirun road for instance, was at 75% completion and so, Governor Adeleke should not be commended for completing it? Chai, what a Sooko!

One tends to ask Mr Sooko, while assuming without conceding that, the road project, which has gulped several billions of naira of Osun State resources, mostly borrowed funds in the notorious days of APC in the state, was at 75% completion, why did Oyetola fail to complete it in the whole of his 4years as governor? Why did he refuse to be responsible in office by completing such a strategically important project he jointly sat on the table to use Osun people as collateral to secure loans for it’s execution?

I hold vehemently that such ‘say something anyhow’ because of hazardous idleness, through another concurrent idle hand, was dumb, insane and utterly inept. In fact, such criticism by the acrimonious Aide-de-camp of the fastly receding APC refugee assemblage, lacks any cultural aroma of a political ball boy erroneously donning garment of a Sooko.

Sooko Taju in a sane clime, should have impressed it on Mr Oyetola, under whom he was arranged as a makeshift chairman, to prevent another governor from expending financial calories of the state on such project by completing it and leaving no percentage of completion, for anyone to take accolades. A true Sooko should not be a delusionist in my view.

It also belittles Sooko Taju when he descended into the arena of political toads, jumping around aimlessly and into the coal of fire that Governor Adeleke’s initiative of providing boreholes for the use of the people was insufficient. Again, Osun people should ask Sooko Taju, what happened to the 332 boreholes that supposed to have been provided for the good people of Osun State by the government of his leader, Gboyega Oyetola, as part of 20 million dollar primary health revitalization grant provided by world bank during the infamous tenure of the better forgotten former governor?

Had those number of boreholes been executed as contained in the papers prior to accessing the 20 million dollar world bank grant then, Governor Ademola Adeleke would not have had to bother himself engaging in sinking another round of boreholes for the people. Financial commitments on such project again, should have been devoted for other essential areas of needs of the people. Or maybe Sooko Taju is bereft of this in the hollow enclave of his thoughtless gabby-garrulous verbose.

Mr Taju, I make bold to demand, should recuse himself as bearer of a traditional title of Sooko if he wouldn’t venipuncture the shamelessness contaminating his veins, unless he only mimicks the title as mere political chant.

The unending pains of APC’s coordinator in the state is however not abating anytime soon, as Governor Ademola Adeleke is already inches away from completing another abandoned project, this time Osogbo East bypass road. The road will be completed, commissioned and opened for road users very soon in order to serve it primary purpose for the people. So Mr Sooko Taju should get more bowls for more tears as the custodian of the mandate of the people of Osun State won’t back down, not now, not in foreseeable future.

Not only that, Governor Ademola Adeleke just saw through a noiseless summit to revitalize education sector in the state. This will ensure that most of the basic and secondary schools in the state especially, are made habitable for both tutors and the tutored. The schools will be transformed from mere cosmetic buildings for optical deceit to schools with standard education.

Sooko Taju can derive pleasure in his master’s prodigality. He can dance naked in the market over proliferation of the state’s resources owing to orchestrated bickerings in his troubled party. He should however check with the good people of Osun State or his economic sensory organs if any, before he burns himself further because the PDP government of Governor Ademola Adeleke will not stop bringing home for the people, the deliverables they deserved as human shield used for humongous liquid liabilities inflicted on the state by his warlord, who took wicked greed and ego laden bickerings high and above his duties he ought to discharge while in office.

*Oladele Bamiji is the Senior Special Assistant To Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State*

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