Dr Akindele Adekunle is the Special Adviser to Governor Ademola Adeleke on Public Health, in this interview; He speaks with Tomi Lala on the state of things in the Osun Health Sector as well as steps Governor Ademola Adeleke is taking revive public health sector in the state and ensure the plans are sustained.
Q: How has the state government been working to improve healthcare access and quality in Osun, especially in rural areas?
You’ll agree with me that one of the cardinal points of Governor Adeleke agenda is health care delivery, since he came on board, and he has set up machinery to actualize that.
When we came in, the state of health care in Osun state was shambolic and quite worrisome and so far, we’ve been able to start addressing those challenges, in the likes of economy situation in the country, accessing health care of our people in the country has been difficult, so the governor has graciously approved the Imole Medical outreach for our people.
So far, we’ve had the first phase and we would continue and this week we will be concluding the first phase and it’s really a success and it has even surpassed our expectations, we expected to attend to about 18,000 people and eventually we have more than 30,000 people which is very commendable.
Q: Equipment and personnel is a major problem in our primary health care centres, what the plans of this administration in solving this problem?
We realized that the previous government was not actually paying personnel that left the service. We’re actually working on how to improve on personnel in the health care. And we’ve started with Uniosun Teaching Hospital. As we speak there’s an ongoing employment at the Uniosun Teaching Hospital for health professionals over there.
We have equally started embarking on revamping our medical facilities at the secondary and primary health care levels, we’re hoping to build in more quarters for health professionals. Aside that, salary of health personnel is promptly paid, and all their needs has been attended to, so far, since governor Adeleke came into power.
The essence of all these is to elevate the standard of health care in the state and discourage what is called medical tourism by the time we put our health care facilities in proper shape with adequate drugs, medical equipment, and when we see to the welfare of the personnel, we are going to have less exodus of medical personnel from the state.
Q: What are your plans to ensure Imole free medical outreach program is sustained and get to the right audience?
Most times, some of these policies depends on the body language of leadership. The governor in his various submission has said, it’s going to be continuous. He’s a caring governor and he believes the health of the people is very paramount, because when people are well, they become productive.
The medical outreach has come to stay and as long as we’re in government by the grace of God, for the first four years, and second four years, it is sustained.
And for any other government that’s coming after this, we hope the other government that will be coming after us will follow so, because it’s a very laudable program that has really helped our people. Beyond that, you will see a lot of people coming from a neighbouring state coming to Osun state to have a feel of the program.
Q: How does the govt plan to leverage technology and data in public health management and monitoring?
As we speak to you, very soon we’ll commence electronic medical records where most of the activities in the hospital will go digital, it will really help to reduce patients waiting time in the hospital and enhance productivity of the Personnel.
We’re going to start with a pilot program in Asubiaro Hospital very soon, and it has been approved by the Governor. By this time, we are going to extend it to most of health facilities across the state.
Q: Aside from Imole free medical outreach, are there any upcoming Public Health programs or initiatives that residents of Osun should be aware of?
We have numerous ones apart from Imole free medical outreach, there are non-governmental organizations that comes to partner with the state and for us too, when you talk of health, it’s quite limitless. For example, we embark on routine immunization regularly, we call it outreach too, to immunize the populace against most of the infectious and communicable diseases, so it’s all encompassing and something that we will continue to do to improve healthcare delivery system in the state.
And I also want to encourage our people, especially those that are not in the formal sector please endeavour to enrol into Osun state health insurance scheme.
It will go a long way to alleviate them. Sometimes you may be sick, you don’t have money in your bank or pocket, once you’re enrol in the scheme, you go to the hospital and treatment will be given to you. It’s a very essential part of health care system, I want every son and daughter of Osun state to key into it so that they can from time-to-time benefits from the scheme.
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